Wednesday 20 October 2010

Questionnaire Analysis

Questionnaire Analysis

In our questionnaire we ask a total of 10 questions where we gave a selection of answers unless told otherwise. We asked a total of 30 people who are in our target audience to fill out our questionnaire.

1. Are you male or female?

Male – 12

Female – 18

This shows that most of our target audience is female with a minority of males. This can show that our film could be aimed more towards females rather than males.

2. What age range are you?

0-9 – 0

10-15 - 2

16-20 - 17

21-30 - 5

31-50 - 6

50+ - 0

In this question it shows that the majority of people we asked where between 16-20 years of age with 2 of a lower age and 11 who are between 21 and 50. This can help us because it helps to choose what age rating we would want on our film and who to mainly aim our film at.

3. Do you enjoy watching films?

Yes I watch them often - 12

Sometimes, I like to watch films occasionally - 10

No, I hardly ever watch them - 8

This question identifies that out of the people we asked more people will watch films and enjoy them. It also shows that they watch films fairly often. IT states that about 25% of the people we asked say they do not like films and rarely watch them

4. What film age rating do you generally watch?

Uc (Universal Children) - 0

U (Universal) - 0

PG (Parental Guidance) – 3

12A (12 Accompanied/Advisory) – 12

15 - 11

18 - 4

R18 (Restricted) - 0

This states that most of the people we ask watch the more higher rated films such as 12A, 15 and a few for 18. It also shows that a minority of people watch the lower rated PG films. This can be useful to us because it shows what ratings our audience mainly watch and helps us decide on what rating we would like on our film.

5(i) Do you enjoy genres such as romance?

Yes - 19

No - 11

This shows that over half of people we asked do enjoy romance films. This is useful for enforcing our decision to make a film within the Romance genre.

5(ii) If yes have you ever seen films such as “The Notebook”, “Dear John” or “Into The Wild”?

Never heard of them/Not my kind of film – 0

No, heard of them but just never seen them – 5

Yes, I’ve seen a couple – 3

I’ve watched allot of films like these – 9

I love films like these – 2

These are the only films I like to watch - 0

These result state that most of the people we gave these questionnaires to have seen the mentioned films and enjoyed them. A few said that they didn’t watch these films but they are just a minority. This is helpful as we can consider making our film similar to the films mentioned.

6. If you don’t enjoy these films why?

The comments we received from this question were along the lines of ‘Not my sort of film’, ‘I like films with more action in them’ etc. This can help as it gives us an idea as why people might not like our film and we could consider adding elements from other genres that would please people that would not necessarily watch romance films.

7. Do you enjoy short films, particularly around 5 minutes?

Yes - 16

No - 14

This question indicates that it’s almost 50/50 that people enjoy 5 minute films or if they don’t enjoy them. This is useful that it does show that more people do enjoy 5 minute films and will help us aim for that time frame of 5 minutes.

8. If you enjoy short films where do you usually view them?

Internet - 5

Television – 2

Cinema - 9

Other - 0

This shows that mainly people watch short films at the cinema (before the main film starts) and on the internet (e.g. YouTube). This can help us as we can release our films over the internet which would be cheaper and we can attempt a cinema release which would be more expensive.

9. Would you watch short films if they were screened more at cinemas or the TV?

Yeah I love short films, but they aren’t shown enough - 4

Yeah if they were on I would occasionally watch them - 12

Maybe - 8

No I have no interest in short films - 6

This shows that people are starting to get more interest in short films as people agree that if they were screened more in various places that they would watch them willingly, but shows that a small minority do not have an interest in films.

10. Would you pay to watch a short film?

Yes - 16

No - 14

This states that it is almost the same as to whether the people we asked would pay to watch a short film but it does show that more people would pay to watch one and enforces our choice to make a short 5 minute film

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