Thursday 21 October 2010


For our film we are going to use a number of props, this is a list of these props and a short description of what they are used for.


Handheld Video Camera - This is probably the most important prop used throuhout the whole film, it features a number of times because this is the camera that the main character is using to keep a video diary of his travels, not only will the audience see it being used as a prop but we are incorporating shots from this camera into the film. The camera plays a vital role in the film because it is this we see at the end as Nicole watches back the footage after she's found out Luke has died.


Laptop - This laptop is one of the items we will see the main character packing into his bag at the start of the film, we used this because we wanted to show he is taking all of his possessions therefore he must be going on a long trip.


Clothes - At the start of the film we also see the main character packing clothes into his bag, again we wanted to show the audience he is going on a trip of some kind. Therefore we have him packing all the essential items you would pack before setting off travelling.


Deodrant - This is another item the main character packs into his bag, the reason we wanted him packing all these items is because we wanted to cut them together quickly using jump cuts, this showed the audience he was packing his belongings but kept the scene moving at a fast pace.


Money - This is the last item we see Luke pack into his bag, like the other items it is to show he is packing up everything and that he must be going traveling or on some kind of trip.


Bag - This is the bag that we see all the items packed into, this also features at the end of the film, it is thrown out of the car and then the police officer brings it round when he delivers the bad news to Nicole, it is in this bag she finds the video camera and plays back the footage.


Towel - Finally this is a towel Luke uses at the start of the film to dry his face after washing his face in the sink, it plays no special role in the film it is just used in the scene because you would dry your face after washing it.
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