I then looked at our audience research, the video interviews we recorded and the questionnaire results. The analysis posts show our full results but overall we found that our main audience for the film was a teen audience, around 15 to 21 and both females and males. The romance genre is usually aimed at females but some of the male teenagers we interviewed showed an interest in our film idea.
Finally I looked at the bbfc guidelines for film classification, the bbfc are in charge of giving every film a certificate before it is distributed in the UK, the guidelines I looked at have been posted in a previous post.
Our film contains a scene containing moderate violence therefore it is not suitable for children. However from bbfc guidelines 12 certificate films allow moderate violence as long as it does not focus on gore or dwell on detail and emphasise injury. Our film does not glamorise violence or show explicit detail therefore The age rating certificate for our film would be a 12.

Due to moderate violence.
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