Tuesday 8 February 2011

Poster Research

One of the main sections of our coursework project along with the 5 minute film is to create a poster for the film. Knowing this I felt it would be good to look at some posters from similar films in order to find out some common features and hopefully get some ideas.

Posters are a great way to advertise films, a good poster should be able to show the genre of the film, what the subject of the film may be about and introduce you to the main characters. As well as these posters can be used to attract an audience by promoting the actors in it (particulary big films with popular actors), it can also give information such as the director, or the age rating as well as displaying information about the rest of the team that developed it and often give good quotes from the reviews for the film. Below are a selection of the posters I found:

I then looked at the posters for the film that is most similar to ours, 'Into the Wild'. This film has 2 posters that I really liked, the first one is shown below:

However the poster I have chosen to analyse is shown below, also from 'Into the Wild':

The first thing that stands out with this poster, is the young man sat on top of what looks like an old tram. This being the only person on the poster straight away tells the person looking at it that this is the main character of the film. He has bags behind him and a rolled up mat of some kind, this shows that he is obviously travelling and being sat on the old tram with a tin in his hands could show that he is sleeping rough. So straight away you can tell that the film focuses on this man and how he travels around.

The backgorund of the poster is simply the sky, however it is very nice and bright, the bright blue and white clouds make the poster stand out. The use of bright colours are there to grab the attention of the audience as they see the poster.

The next thing that stands out is the title of the movie, 'Into the wild' is shown in a large, bold font in a dark blue contrasting against the bright background again making it stand out. The title is in a simple font which makes it very easy to read and is considerably bigger than any other text on the poster which means there is no confusion and the audience knows straight away that this is the title of the film.

A common thing with movie posters is to list the names of the main stars in it, especially if they are famous. With this poster they are in a clear list above the title and one thing that is very noticeable it how many actors and actresses they have listed. There are ten stars names, this shows the audience that there are a number of people in the film that the audience may know.

Underneath the title it reads 'Screenplay and directed by Sean Penn', this is again another common feature in movie posters when the film is directed or written by someone the audience may be familiar with. This along with the names of the people in the film are used to try and persuade the audience that the film must be good because it features all these big names in it and it is written and directed by an established person.

The only other thing on the poster is the text at the bottom which is used on all film posters, this contains all the information about the films production, it contains things such as the director, the writer, the producers and the sound editors. This may be information that most people do not stand and read but it is there so that people can look and see who has had a hand in making this film. Along with this are the logos of the companies who are distributing the film and also the age certificate for the film, this certificate must be put on a film poster so that the audience are clear who the film is suitable for.

Overall the film poster is very simple in that it contains one main image, however from it you learn that the main character is male and you assume that he is travelling. You also get key information about the film such as who wrote and directed it and also the list of people who star in the film which shows the audience it has big names in it and that it must be worth watching. The poster itself is very bright making it eye catching so it stands out and grabs peoples attention.
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