Tuesday 8 February 2011

Ideas for Poster

As we have to create a poster for our movie, I thought it would be a good idea to look into similar films, which may have similar posters.

A poster can say a lot about a film, including elements such as it's genre, what the film may be about, but also things such as it's age rating, who directed it and who are the actors/actresses of the film. A couple of posters below are ones which I like...

However, I have decided to analyse Over Her Dead Body.

Straight away with this poster, you notice the woman sitting on top of the film title. This is powerful, as they have cleverly incorporated the film title into the poster. Her white dress stands out against the blue background, and given her size - it is obvious that she is a main character in the film of some sort.

The text she is sat on is a bold, red typeface and capitalised. This is the largest and most important text on the whole poster, and stands out against the white background. The text being red suggests a possible altercation within the film, as red has connotations with things such as anger, fear and disagreement.

Of course, often the largest selling point of any film - is the actors and actresses that are in it. This often means that their names are the next largest text to the film title, and can usually be found at the top of the poster (so people immediately know where to look). In this example, each name is large enough to be seen from a distance, and is white on a dark blue background (giving contrast, and enabling it to stand out).

The two intimate characters are obviously the primary characters in the film. It is fascinating how a quick glance at a poster can reveal so much. Although I have never seen the film, I would assume that the woman in the white outfit passes away - and the male starts a relationship with the brown-haired woman, which the other woman disagrees with. Although this may not be the case, and could be that the two-woman were actually in a relationship - I would highly doubt it. Artists who create posters are extremely good at interpreting, how the audience will in turn interpret the poster.

The blue sky with soft-white clouds and the docks as the backdrop give off a romantic feel to the whole poster. The green bushes complement the blue and white, along with the yellow dress which allows the woman to stand out.

The text which reads "She's passed on, but she's not moving on" is also typical of a film poster. As it is very rare that a potential viewer will stand in front of a poster and read a whole paragraph, a short amount of text has to be added to win the potential-viewer, over. It has to reveal what the film may be about, without giving too much away.
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