Monday 13 December 2010

Recreating Europe

In our Film the main character Luke goes traveling to Europe which left us with the problem of how we were going to make it look like he goes to Europe. First we have him going down to Hull where he gets the ferry to Belgium. Obviously we cannot get the ferry but we are going to Hull and will film by the docks as he is waiting for the ferry. Then we are going to film in a local hotel, their corridors are going to be the corridors on the ferry which will be made clear in the narration.

(Image from

Once he is 'in Europe' we have a lot of car shots, this is fine apart from that they drive on the other side of the road than we do. Obviously we can't go driving on the wrong side of the road over here, as it is not only illegal - but dangerous.

(Image from

So we considered flipping the video, which would be fine but I then realised that the license plates would be reversed, and the car would suddenly become left hand drive, so we can't really flip the video.

(Original image from

Additionally, the road signs would be flipped around which would be incorrect also

(Original image from

Therefore we started looking for more rural roads that don't really have markings or that you won't be able to tell we are driving on the normal side of the road. We have also added more sections where he stops off, which means less time on the road.

We did however want various road shots - to give the impression that he is indeed travelling. So, we have decided to use allot of 'incar' shots from the passenger window.
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