Thursday 16 December 2010

Different Shots From The Reshoot

Having to redo a whole scene at Kirsten's house was something we would have rather not had to do, however it did allow us to rethink some of the shots we were going to film. Due to the footage from the handheld camera being overwritten, we still had footage from the main camera but for continuity reasons we couldn't use that without the handheld shots from the same time. But this did mean that we could look at some of the shots we had tried and decide whether we liked them or not. As well as managing to spot a mistake in that the main character in that seen isn't wearing striped socks, however in the scene before in johns bedroom I was wearing striped socks which due to having to refilm anyway I was able to correct by making sure I wore the right socks.

Having looked at the shots we decided that some did not work, either they were bad shots or they were hard to cut together with other shots smoothly. This meant that when filming again the other day we filmed the shots that we had liked, but also added in some different shots, using different angles, pans, zooms and tilts.

Once this has been edited together we will go back to the shot list we are using as a guideline to our filming and create another draft of it replacing the shots we didn't use with the ones we have used. This hasn't caused any problems, the shot list is useful to have so that we have an idea of the shots we really need to get, but sometimes those shots arn't as good as we thought or once we get to the location we find better angles etc. that we think may look good. So we will make corrections to our shot list once we have finished so we have a record of every shot we use, and also so that we can compare it with the shot list we did orginally and see how different the shots used actually were.
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