The title sequence is
very simple and could show that the film doesnt have a lot of depth but it could also mean that it is purposely trying to make us feel this way. At the start of this film we see a man walking from a point of view shot that turns out to be a girl following, we assume that the man is the main character and the girl is someone he knows. It looks like just a normal walk but as the music starts its gives the feel that not everything is as normal as first appears.

The black and whit
e effect follows the simplicity theme that i mentioned earlier and also fits well with the night time setting. There are many tracking and dolly shots as the camera follows them down the street and then through the house untill they enter the bedroom and close the door behind them. It is left to the viewer to decide what happens between then and the next shot. Looking at the time of day we assume that some time has passed between the man and the the girl entering the bedroom and now the man is walking back home which looks like its towards the end of the day. The cameras tracks with him as he walks towards his house and goes to enter. We see a match on action as when he opens the door the camera cuts to the other side of the door and films him entering and heading upstairs, the film then fades to black we can suggest another point where time has passed.

It then fades bac
k to a wide angled shot of the street that the man lives on, and dissolves to a shot of his house and then to his door, meanwhile more music begins to play giving a more upbeat feel to the film, ths music appears to be non-diagetic but as the camera cuts to the man sitting in his bedroom, we see that he has earphones in and is listening to music and we assume its the music we are hearing. When he takes his earphones out the music stops which enforces what i have just said, he takes the out to respond to his phone and then proceeds to talk to caller. It then fades to black and as it fades back in, we assume that its the next morning which means more time has passed by.

Then we have a s
equence of multiple shots all from the same position as the man is looking in the mirror while going through his morning routine of cleaning his teeth ect. Towards the middle of this sequence we see some shots the show he is looking in the mirror through over the shoulder shots of the man. It then fades to black once more and shows them eve more time has passed as it is now night time as we see the man laying on his bed and then responding to his phone, as he answers the phone we see confusing on his face, showing that he may not know who the caller is, he stands up and paces the room and the camera tracks with him.

We then get a
short sequence of flash back of the start of the film when the man meets the girl and this time we get a short glimps of what happened inside the roomwhich could imply the caller has something to do with the girl and is telling the man about it. It fades to black again and when it fades out its the next morning as we see the man walking into the bathroom. We see him walk infront of the mirror again with a sequence of mirror shots all from the same angle and we see that there is a deffinate change in his mood he seems to be thinking about something, he seems less self-confident and he acts slower then he did in the last mirror shot sequence, he walks away and goes into his room. The next sequence is very interestingas the man opens the door to his room it shows the viewers what he is looking at, it shows some joint shots, ed
ited with very high contrast to give the feel of confusion, it has a form of shot reverse-shot sequence here between the high contrast edited shot and a close up of the mans face which shows the confusion that he is feeling, he walks back into his room looking scared and confused. It then cuts to a similar shot of the one at the start of the film where he is walking down the street, but this time there is no girl following him, he turns around to see if she is there and then it cuts to a fast paced short sequence of flashbacks of him and the girl after this he turns back and carrys on walking and the films comes to an end with a fade to black.

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