1. Are you male or female?
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
2. What age range are you?
[ ] 0-9
[ ] 10-15
[ ] 16-20
[ ] 21-30
[ ] 31-50
[ ] 50+
3. Do you enjoy watching films?
[ ] Yes, I watch them often
[ ] Sometimes, I like to watch films occasionally
[ ] No, I hardly ever watch films
4. What film age rating certificate do you usually watch? (mark all appropriate)
[ ] Uc (Universal children)
[ ] U (Universal)
[ ] PG (Parental guidance)
[ ] 12A (12 Accompanied/Advisory)
[ ] 15
[ ] 18
[ ] R18 (Restricted 18)
5. Do you enjoy genres such as drama's and romance?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
If yes have you ever seen films such as The notebook, Dear John or Into the wild? (etc)
[ ] Never heard of them/not my kind of film.
[ ] No, heard of them but just never seen them.
[ ] Yes, I've seen a couple.
[ ] I watch allot of films like these.
[ ] I love films like these.
[ ] These are the only kind of films I like to watch.
6. If you don't enjoy films like these, Why?
7. Do you enjoy short films, particulary around five minutes?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
8. If you enjoy short films where do you usually view them? (Tick all appropriate)
[ ] Internet [ ] Television
[ ] Cinema [ ] Other (state below)7. Do you enjoy short films, particulary around five minutes?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
8. If you enjoy short films where do you usually view them? (Tick all appropriate)
[ ] Internet [ ] Television
9. Would you watch short films if they were screened more at cinemas or on the TV?
[ ] Yeah I love short films, but they aren't shown enough.
[ ] Yeah if they were on I would occasionally watch them?
[ ] Maybe
[ ] No I have no interest in short films.
10. Would you pay to watch a short film?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
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