Friday 21 January 2011

Prison Break Ending, Similarities

As we were putting together the final scene of the film, the moment where Nicole finds out that her boyfriend has been killed, we were wanting to make this emotional and aim to make the audience cry. One of the main things we were trying to get was some music that suited what was happening in the film.
We did eventually find some music that we were all happy with, and it is clear that music plays a big part in setting the mood of an emotional scene. While we were doing it I also kept thinking of one of the final scenes of the American TV series 'Prison Break'. In this the main character Michael Schofield has died and the scene is set four years later, with all the other main characters meeting up and visiting the grave of Michael. Below is the video of this scene:

In this scene two things stand out to me that make it rather emotional and brings a tear to the audiences eye, first of all music is the key element. There is no other sound, therefore the music stands out and it is a very slow, sad song which perfectly fits what is happening in the scene.
The other thing I noticed, which is a thing that we have used too, is the use of slow motion. Most of the scene is in slow motion. When thinking of sadness and upset, you do think of slow speed, slow motion shows well how the character could be feeling like their lives have slowed down, and it is a great effect for catching the emotion of their faces. The scene is simple in that it has few shots, however it is very effective and causes a big impact on the audience.

While I am on the subject of 'Prison Break', one of the other final scenes is two of the main characters, 'Sarah' and 'Lincoln' watching back a video tape recorded by 'Michael' just before he died. This is again similar to ours as we have Nicole watching back the video that Luke has been filming throughout. I can't find a good quality video of this so I can't analyse it in much detail. Although Michael knew he was going to die, so he recorded the video. The similarity is still there as you have the emotions of the characters playing back the video footage.
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